Ross Hemsworth

BA (Hons) Law & Social Sciences
In 2010, Ross began studies form a law degree with the Open University, which led to him gaining BA (Hons) Open Degree in 2016.
Ross has always had a strong interest in the law and although leaving it late in life, he decided now was the right time to begin his first period of study since leaving school at the age of 16!
With particular interests in copyright law, contracts and family law During his period of study he attended a careers evening at the Inner Temple in London, meeting well known barristers and QC's to discuss a possible future at the Bar. (Although he is quick to point out that he is not planning to practice law, but would consider a role within Business Development at a chambers or law practice) He also undertook a period of mini-pupillage assignments and was shortlisted to become a Justice of the Peace (magistrate)
He also studied Social Sciences, which encompasses how laws are made, the work of think tanks, research bodies, research and digital marketing, including blogging and social media.
It seems however, that having changed midway through the course to an 'Open Degree' further studies would be required before he could practice as a solicitor or barrister and so for now at least, Ross has left law as just an ongoing interest..
Ross said when graduating at Exeter Cathedral in 2016, his only regret was that his ever-supportive mum and dad weren't still here to see him achieve this success.
Ross also believes that by combining his experience in Sales and Business Development with his new law qualification, he could work as a BDM within a law firm or chambers and encourages firms to get in touch.