Ross Hemsworth

TV's 'Ghost Detective'
In 2001, Ross Hemsworth was appointed lead investigator for the Ghost Detectives team on their UK television debut in a series hosted by former Dr Who, Tom Baker.
Unlike other 'ghost hunter' type shows, Ross set out to make the series a scientific look at rational and logical explanations for what people are often too quick to call 'paranormal' activity. He admits to being a sceptic at the time, and wanted to be able to disprove all the alleged hauntings he was sent to check out!
However, as Ross found out, whilst 95% of alleged hauntings COULD be explained by rational and logical means, there was this irritating 5% that defied logical explanation even to this day, and after confronting what he calls a 'full bodied entity' head on for the first time, it was becoming clear that Ross was becoming more and more convinced that the evidence was building, to confirm that something that science could not yet explain, was causing these events.
It is often said that Ross was a bit ahead of his time with his theories on parallel universes, timespace continuum physics and his temporal-time synopsis, and whilst today much of this is now being accepted by science, back then they seemed ridiculous claims! (Check out his latest adventure thecloseproject.co.uk attempting to prove the existence of a living consciousness beyond bodily death)
Ross went on to direct the ITV2 live broadcast 'Haunted Halloween Live' and was asked to be the lead investigator on BBC Worldwide's Ghostwatch Live from the Tower of London, and Ross remains to this day, the only investigator of anomalous phenomena to have spent two nights investigating the 'paranormal' inside the hallowed walls of The Tower of London.
Ross was also the presenter of the globally syndicated radio show Now THAT'S Weird which was often called England's answer to the hit U.S. radio series Coast to Coast A.M. The show was later picked up by a TV network and Ross presented the show on a Sky hosted channel to what at the time, was the channel's largest audience!
The Dead Are Talking, was Ross's first step into the world of book-writing and at a launch and signing of the paperback in Laughlin Nevada, Ross jokingly signed a copy for pop star Robbie Williams who was an unexpected visitor to the UFO Congress event, which was being held at The Aquarius Casino Resort.
Now THAT'S Weird!!