Our Aims & Objectives
We are extremely excited to announce the 2025 launch of The Close Project.
Following on from where The Scole Experiment left off, our aim is to produce, test and use, the new technology invented by Paul Rowland, together with established, tried and tested methods, to carry out a thorough scientific period of research and tests over an initial 5-year period, in an ambitious attempt to conclusively prove the continued existence of consciousness beyond death.
We hope to be joined on our journey, by some of the most respected names in the various related fields of scientific and academic research of consciousness studies, including; ITC, NDE's and of course the big question of 'what is consciousness?'
We begin by attempting to change the very way scientists think about what any kind of life after death may actually be, and why so many great minds have failed to come up with a definitive answer despite centuries of previous research. It is our belief that the very methodology used by science, needs to change to achieve this.
There are three mainstream areas of general thinking here, mostly existing with very little concrete evidence currently;
1) The 'Christian' view. i.e. heaven, hell, = faith in an afterlife
2) The 'scientific' view. i.e. There is limited evidence to date to support the existence of an afterlife
3) The total skeptical view. I cannot imagine it, so I'll use some tired old theories to dismiss it!​
None of these three have ever been conclusively proven to be correct or incorrect, so all three must still be respected as valid theories until any definitive proof is provided (if it ever is and mankind has tried for centuries to do this! However, we believe we CAN) Shall we call it, at least for now, Schrodinger's Scientists?
If we are successful, it will undoubtedly be the biggest scientific breakthrough of all time and change the very way the human race thinks about 'life'. But first we must change the way SCIENCE thinks because what we may be about to discover, may not only be stranger than we imagine, but in fact, could be stranger than our human brain has the capability to imagine in human form.
This will require initial funding, to support our first year of development and design/build of new technology to be used throughout. We are therefore putting together a funding deck for grants, investments and angel backers, together with a sponsorship proposal, all of which will be released soon. In the meantime, we welcome enquiries from people who would be interested in helping support the project.
We are also considering early discussions with TV Producers, TV Productions Companies and Commissioning Editors about an ongoing exclusive deal for a long-running docu-series with global rights on offer, which will also help fund day to day operations of the small hand-picked full time team. (A full programme treatment is available on request) See more on this on the TV page of this website.
My own background in the research of anomalous phenomena, has taken me on an incredible journey from skeptic to believer over many years, and only through personal experiences and encounters that I believe have defied logical and rational explanation, have I become convinced that we have so much more to learn and so much more is yet to be discovered. We must however, start to really think outside of the box.
The future could be about to arrive - be a part of it!
Ross Hemsworth

How do we turn evidence to proof?
We intend bringing science back into the equation.
Image courtesy of Pixabay
For far too long, the investigation of anomalous phenomena has been tainted by 'entertainment' TV shows and poorly organised 'paranormal investigations' that seem to offer no more than a scary night out. Many 'mediums' are not tested for reliability outside of university and research labs and many general 'paranormal' experiments are not conducted to withstand scientific scrutiny.
It is our intention to bring new experiments, new technology involving light and sound frequency exploration backed by rigorous testing into the so-called 'paranormal' environment, such as tech designed by our co-founder Paul Rowland, that will explore new sound and light frequencies and seeking connections between human consciousness, nature and the universe around us .
We are looking into the ways that 'sentient consciousness' appears to be communicating and how that is quite different from what we believe to be 'playback visions' that some refer to as the stone wall theory or quartz crystal replays. Let's explore areas that so many have ignored in past research.
A lot of academic study around the world right now, is being conducted on the basis of theories of multiple existing dimensions, consciousness survival, near-death experiences and even UFO activity, with all being possibly connected. We are also continuing new research into ITC and EVP, together with other well received published papers.
We perhaps need to start by convincing other scientists, that their methodology needs to change to explore matters that the human mind itself would not otherwise explore, or maybe cannot even imagine. This is MORE than just 'thinking outside the box', it is thinking beyond our current understanding.
We believe there is certainly more to this than the appearance of 'ghosts', and a good source of information and scientific thinking can be found in Daniel Drasin's excellent book A New Science of The Afterlife, available in paperback and audio book. See more HERE