Here, we will be listing experiments that the general public can get involved with and assist our researchnas we proceed.
Your experiences and evidence
Many people over the centuries, have experienced the feeling of 'contact' with a lost loved one, or what they believe to be 'hauntings', but there may be so much more to those experiences.
What if nature all around us is 'sentient' and that communication may be interacting with us from sources that he we had previously not even considered. What if 'gravity' is the conduit that allows such communication?
Although I am not a religious person, I have studied the bible and other books which contain (albeit often changed in translation), phrases that intrigue me, such as the alleged statement by 'Jesus' - "in my father's house there are many mansions", could he have been talking about many dimensions within the universe for example?
Dr Jack Hunter talks about nature being sentient and that all things may be connected, so could "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" refer to our actual sentient return to the Earth in the form of continued consciousness?
I would like to hear directly from people who have had any form of what they believe to be 'communications' from loved ones who have passed over, or indeed any messages of ANY kind from the "other side". Maybe, messages that have made no sense to YOU may have a meaning to US here at The Close Project.
We need YOU and your experiments to help guide us and to possibly enable us to correctly navigate the route to the answers we all seek.
Contact ross@thecloseproject.co.uk