About us

Paul Rowland.
Inventor & long term researcher of anomalous phenomena.
Researcher and academic
Ross Hemsworth.
BA (Hons)
Presenter of the TV& radio talk show
Now THAT'S Weird..

It is now time to explore new areas, but using new credible academic scrutiny, scientific analysis, modern research from both scientists and doctors, new experiments using very different kinds of new technology, we begin this project which we hope will take us on a fascinating journey from evidence to proof' of the ongoing existence of consciousness beyond death.
Researcher and academic Ross Hemsworth, inventor & researcher Paul Rowland, and others, want to answer the most profound question that humankind has ever asked:
Is there life after death?
For the past century, western science has been exploring evidence that points to the existence of a "greater reality" -- one that plays by a different set of rules than those of our familiar physical world. Quantum physics already points in this direction. Likewise, various classes of evidence suggest that consciousness itself may originate and function in this greater domain, beyond conventional mechanistic concepts of space, time, and biological functioning.
So how can we cross the threshold between copious evidence and what our scientific and academic cultures consider proof?
Do the rules and methods of science need to evolve, or, on the other hand, is it our attitudes that need to change? After all, science is essentially "organized curiosity" -- a process, or method, that should treat all subject matter with equal openness and rigor.
Can new experimental approaches and new technology play a part in pushing us over the threshold?
We think so.
Please read on....
A statement from
Paul Rowland
Inventor & Paranormal researcher
My research journey began when I joined a group that conducted the first investigation (with the public) at Plas Teg, North Wales.
It was a learning curve but I was able to split my time between guiding the public and experimenting with technology and photography. I was also able to talk to the many of the passing Mediums, gaining insights to their spiritual world.
After many experiments and after using alternative and unique lighting, I started to gain a few unusual paranormal photographs.
I had not wanted to get involved in the spiritual side of this world, but after several personal experiences I began to accept there were things I could not explain, but needed to know more. My spirit/consciousness investigation technology began to grow.
I later spent many years investigating at Ye Olde Kings Head, Chester, where technology and results grew, more audio, video and still images were captured. Some of these were with the public, some just my small group and some when I was alone.
There has been very little development in new – relevant technology for 'paranormal' investigation. K II meters, light up cat balls, phone APPs, table tipping ‘orbs’ etc. which are in my view, not relevant. Light is the most important element of capturing ‘paranormal activity’ on camera, to fully understand it and use it differently are the key to progress. Most investigators use traditional techniques – flash photography and infrared night vision, both are incorrect in my opinion.
I have developed systems that pulse modulate ultraviolet, blue and green (and other colours) lighting that will work with still photography and video recording. I have already had success with this lighting technology using still photography and video recording using small dash cams and motion triggered WIFI CCTV cameras. The latter can be remotely monitored and left working for extended periods.(examples can be shown) I use this unique lighting technology with my Nikon 20mp DSLR regularly as it gives high resolution images.
For long term investigations I would use a fixed, wired IP CCTV system, I would need several IP cameras as they have software adjustable settings for better use with alternative lighting technology and audio systems. The system would use a large monitor screen, generator for portability in remote locations. CCTV cameras mounted on tripods for ease of placement. Small WIFI CCTV cameras for close to people, app controlled for motion tracking and manual and remote direction control. However, I am building brand new equipment almost on a weekly basis and you will hear more about that as future research takes place.
Each camera would have a specially built light, driven by pulse modulation for better potential results.
Electric séances: I have developed several live audio systems using various technology’s to detect, alter and re-project live audio during ‘electronic séances’ – a group gathering of likeminded people with the intention of communication with consciousness from the 'other side'. These include using voice through magnetic fields, various colours of light through quartz, natural mineral detectors, multiple frequency microphones. Several systems would be available.
I am currently working on cable linked sensor devices to be held by an investigator or medium that will convert and detect energy from the person or a presence into live audio and projected light, to work alongside photography and video. This would illuminate any potential energy presence close by.
I have developed a new energy detector – the L-III, my equivalent of conventional ‘EMF’ meters’ currently used by investigators typically a K II or similar. This has a larger 10 Led display, audio output and light projection directly from any detected energy. I also have two dual electric field and electromagnetic portable sensor systems.
I have built several individual Sentinal electric field sensor systems that show changes in local energy change, I also have a 4 channel version to monitor several energy types.
I was fascinated when several years ago I heard about The Scole Experiment. After reading the limited information about the technology they used I built my own versions which has given some success.
To work on the stone tape theory – the potential that quartz within natural stone might provide a ‘store area' for spirit energy, I am working on several technologies providing energy to energise the areas of potential areas of interest.
My new combined active detection systems including light, crystal vibration, magnetic fields, electric fields and electrically charged quartz/pyrite to try to hear results in real time. Experiments will involve the energy and positive intent of a small group of spiritually focused people. I will also include testing hand held sensor/emitters for personal interaction experiments of participants.
As an added technology I will be generating light directly from any detected responses, this has the new potential to illuminate the cause of detected energy.
Aims and expectations.
Critical is the development and use of new interactive technology, in my opinion equipment currently in use does not deliver results.
This has been my goal from the start of this journey. I want to continue developing new spiritually intended technology to gather more photographic and video evidence. The ultimate goal is regular interaction with the spirit world in real time, too ask for information of the afterlife.
My technology is based on light, vibration, electric charge and is designed to be interactive and visual, in the hope of gaining more awareness of the spirit world within our living world.
Paul Rowland
The Close Project

A statement from
Ross Hemsworth
I began researching anomalous phenomena in the late 1990's and formed The Phantom or Fraud Project with a local acquaintance, initially as a sceptic, to try to DISPROVE the existence of 'ghosts' and expose fraudulent mediums. However, things didn't exactly go to plan!
Not only did I find mediums who actually COULD do exactly what it said on the tin, but beyond this, I witnessed phenomena that I could not explain by logical or scientific means, which led me deeper into this area of research.
Along the way, I began broadcasting the radio show Now THAT'S Weird, interviewing others involved in the research of everything from ghosts and the paranormal, to UFO's and ancient stone monuments, the Knights Templar and timeslips/portals/vortex and similar phenomenon.
The radio show became so popular it was syndicated across the UK and USA and went on to become a popular television chat show with myself as a host. (I still believe the TV version should have been picked up by the American networks, but hey-ho!
In or around 2010, I took a break from my research to undertake other life challenges and until recently, remained outside of the 'paranormal arena', as I had become disillusioned with the 'for entertainment only' style TV shows and costly 'ghost hunts', being conducted, it would seem for what I refer to as the 'boo-jump' audience. As a result, the cost of venues for investigations rocketed and many of the people entering the research area, were not in my opinion, putting anomalous phenomena research into a good light.
However, there was still some interesting research taking place within academic circles, often falling under the spectrum and I kept a close eye on developments, as I still sought answers to the one factor that puzzled me..... if there IS an afterlife, have we been looking for it in the wrong place?
I have long had the feeling that anything that survived beyond human bodily death, would probably take the form of consciousness and possibly exist in a dimension alongside our own, which we were not yet ready to understand or accept. The materialistic approach of science therefore, would not be able to PROVE the existence of life after death, using conventional means and laboratory tests. NEW THINKING was needed. This possible alternate 'dimension' may also offer new explanations to the phenomena of time slips, UFO's and portals.
I began chatting recently to fellow researchers Paul Rowland, Michael Pravika (Professor of Physics at the University of Nevada) and Dan Drasin, who shared many of my thoughts and opinions, and shed some new light and possible answers, onto the table. I was intrigued enough to form The Close Project with Paul and hope to bring others on board soon, including hopefully, Dan and Michael. I am also monitoring the work of Dr Sam Parnia and others working on attempts to prove consciousness survives 'death'.
I now need to encourage private investors and sponsors to come on board and help us fund the first year of studies and investigations.
If we do make that amazing breakthrough of PROVING the existence of consciousness survival beyond death, we have to also be very aware of the dangers, such as major AI companies wanting to 'imprison' such consciousness into robots by offering wealthier humans 'eternal life' on Earth, we MUST protect against this happening to the best of our abilities.
That said, such a life changing and historic discovery would change the way we live and think about death and may lead to a more accepting and peaceful existence during our human life.
Ross Hemsworth
Co-Founder The Close Project
BA (Hons) Open (Law, Social Sciences)
TV & radio presenter. Researcher of anomalous phenomena.
Member of the Society of Psychical Research (SPR)